Sunday, August 16, 2009

Little Violin

While the families got ready for the reception for the wedding below I was admiring the beautiful landscape at the home when I encountered this little guy... it was then that I started to play my little winey poor me violin... once upon a time I owned the 50mm 1.4 lens and 3 macro fabulous little filters. My lens got stolen and though I still have my filters I have not been ablt to replace my fab lens that would have been perfect for these pictures. Oh well...I tried!


  1. Whaaaaaaat?!? It was stolen? That just sucks! These are beautiful Raquel!

  2. Yeah I left it in a friends car last year in Boston and her car got broken into. Bye bye favorite lens...

  3. Even though the little bug kinda gives me the heeby jeebies, the pictures are still gorgeous!

  4. Me encanta la primera foto. Me encantó tanto que la pinté.

    Aqui está el link:


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